‘Uberization’ — like Ford’s Production Line to Reshape the World Economy
The ‘Uberization’ of everything from banking to container shipping is typically observed two ways. As a both a “lazy shorthand” says Nick Waddell and also “one of the most important economic movements we’ve seen in a generation.” While short hand comparisons flood the marketplace each time a new company reshapes how we use digital technologies, the economic influence of ‘Uberization’ will reshape global resource management.
Not since Henry Ford’s implementation of the production line have we seen such a significant change in how the economy utilizes physical resources. Ford enabled the economy to fully utilize human workers to exponentially grow production. The production line was key to the Allies success in World War I and II and created a robust middle class able to consume en-mass the fruits of production.
Today ‘Uberization’ is allowing full utilization of idle assets. Increased utilization combined with shifting consumer behavior and growing sustainability efforts will only increase and exponentially improve global resource management efforts. In the next century ‘Uberization’ may be recognized as the turning point away from consumption towards a resource-based economy.
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