Trump/Sanders Ticket Would End Two-Party System
While I am not satisfied with any of the current presidential candidates, the “reality show” carnage that the world population is obsessed with and that our media is passing as election coverage has not left me without my own thoughts about the outcome.
Here is one prediction I made January 20, 2016 — a year before the imminent inauguration:
#2 [Crazy Idea] Trump swings just as far to the left exposing just how much of a farce the presidential election and Washington politics has become. He wins the Presidency by promising to abolish both political parties for fraud.
Now, check out this NY Times video compilation from after the California primary and consider the following:
Hillary Clinton states that “Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commender in chief.” Not generally unfit, just temperamentally so. Does she concede that he otherwise has the skills, if he were to show a balanced temperament? Is she preparing to have to work with him the way establishment Republicans have?
Simultaneously, Donald Trump’s comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel have provided a distractive media opportunity to keep the GOP in enough turmoil to hold his position as he awaits the RNC and locks his official nomination. He has also offered an olive branch to the most disenfranchised on the left in his statement, “Bernie Sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms.” Just like many Republicans are promising #NeverTrump, there will be many Democrats promising #NeverClinton.
While Bernie Sanders is pledging to take this battle to the bitter end, he tells supporters that “We understand that our mission is more than just defeating Trump, it is transforming our country.” Once Sanders is officially out and mathematically has no chance of becoming president or defeating Trump, he and his supporters larger goal of “transforming our country” could only be accomplished by negotiating with the Donald to be his running mate.
While certainly a Twilight Zone prediction, a Trump/Sanders partnership and ticket would nearly guarantee a presidential win and that today’s two party system would not survive.
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